
About us

Company Vajda - elvitd.o.o. was founded in 1991 in Zagreb as a mixed company with a 20% stake in the company Vajda export-import foreign trade Zagreb . Today company Vajda - elvit is 100% owned by the family Marđetko .

Company Vajda - elvitd.o.o. was founded in 1991 in Zagreb as a mixed company with a 20% stake in the company Vajda export-import foreign trade Zagreb . Today company Vajda - elvit is 100% owned by the family Marđetko .
Since its establishment the company has specialized in the trade of components for animal feed especially for soybean meal and fish meal, commodity whose prices are formed daily on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

Several years ago, the company stopped importing fish meal due to reduced demand in the market, and in particular the abolition of liners in the port of Rijeka from South America , Peru and Chile . Describing fishmeal , which wasshipped from the northern ports or from Italy, risky because of questionable quality and high risk of salmonella, company narrowly specialized in soybean meal trade .

After 20 years of operation, the company is stillconstantly present in the market and is one of the major importers of soybean meal , the primary component of animal feed.

Thanks to good business relationships abroad , knowledge and experience of the employees , Vajda is already in the first year ranked among the 500 largest Croatian companies .

Since its establishment the company has been operating successfully , and received many awards for excellence, regularly since 1998 by the Institute for Business Research classified as 1% of the most productive and most profitable Croatian companies which significantly contributes to the overall development of the economy .

Employees ofVajda - elvitd.o.o. were winners of the Golden Kuna , and proclaimed the most successful entrepreneurs in Croatia.

Head of the board Mr. President Marđetko , was awarded by the Croatian President Ivo Josipović for Outstanding Contribution to the economy Order of Croatian Danica with figure of Blaž Lorković .


Since its establishment the company has specialized in the trade of the components for animal feed especially for soybean meal.

Since its establishment the company has specialized in the trade of the components for animal feed especially for soybean meal.
Soybean meal is a commodity whose price is formed on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange od daily basis.

Every day we are monitoring price trends and factors affecting change. In accordance with the fact and our estimations we are making decisions about further actions.

Accordingly ,we are offering our customers futures trading and contracting the required quantity for a given month up to a year in advance.

Despite the difficult and unfavorable economic situation in the market , we maintained our position among the leading suppliers of soybean meal providing our customers a guarantee of quality, reliability and safety.

Business strategy

Our goal is to expand our operations to neighboring countries and EU member states not in derogation of the proven quality of the goods.

Our goal is to expand our operations to neighboring countries and EU member states not in derogation of the proven quality of the goods.
Vajda - elvitd.o.o. in the past 20 years has been constantly present in the market as a leading supplier of components for animal feed. Our goal is to expand our operations to neighboring countries and EU member states not in derogation of the proven quality of the goods.

We will continue to guarantee our customers the quality and origin of goods from world renowned manufacturers.